Joseph Conrad published a book in 1899 about Africa as a homogenous, monolithic, and colonized territory. Yet, these images and descriptions remain a pressing and persistent depiction of continental Africa that is widely disseminated. Afrocentricity acts as a demonstrative tool to deconstruct these monolithic images and to center African people as the word magic writing their own stories. When African people see themselves as the center of their own phenomena, their word magic reverberates from their mouths to decipher algorithms and futures presumed to be predefined. For example, female genital cutting is a phenomena that has been defined by Western media as cartographically happening in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, which is statistically inaccurate. By employing the Afrocentric lens and focusing on the stories and empowerment of African young women across the continent, their stories produce a word magic that cannot be undermined.
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